Thursday, November 10, 2011

Home Redesign

A lot of people have asked what's new at the house and why I haven't been blogging. Well the answer is you haven't missed anything, because nothing new has been done. We're waiting to sell our Brookside house and then we'll be able to move forward with our larger projects. In the meantime we're keeping up with yard work and focusing our attention on keeping the Brookside house prepped for showings.

Step number one after we sell our house will be to hire an architect. Although we are confident in our abilities to layout small rooms, we want an architect to help us with redesigning the house floor plan and adding additional square footage. We have already interviewed several and despite it being an interesting and somewhat painful experience (engineers don't usually get along with architects) we are excited that we've found one we like.

While we wait to drop the hammer (literally), I am spending lots of time looking for ideas and pinning my dream house on Pinterest. One thing in particular that Dan and I have both spent a lot of time researching is finding other Dutch Colonials which have had remodels or additions. Our house's style is very unique and it will require an addition that is both complimentary and one that provides balance to the rest of the facade. Here are several examples we've looked at:


  1. I forget- what rooms are you adding on?

  2. We want to add two more bedrooms upstairs as well as expand the master bedroom to include a bathroom and closet, expand the garage and add a sunroom/living room area to extend the current living room.
